VERSION netlify-cli/2.37.0 linux-x64 node-v12.16.1
USAGE $ netlify [COMMAND]
COMMANDS addons (Beta) Manage Netlify Add-ons api Run any Netlify API method deploy Create a new deploy from the contents of a folder dev Local dev server functions Manage netlify functions help display helpfor netlify init Configure continuous deployment for a new or existing site link Link a local repo or project folder to an existing site on Netlify login Login to your Netlify account open Open settings for the site linked to the current folder plugins list installed plugins sites Handle various site operations status Print status information switch Switch your active Netlify account unlink Unlink a local folder from a Netlify site watch Watch for site deploy to finish
環境変数を設定していない場合は netlify link でアカウントをリンクする。
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$netlify link
netlify link will connect this folder to a site on Netlify
? How do you want to link this folder to a site? Search by full or partial site name ? Enter the site name (or just part of it): <NETLIFY_USERNAME> Looking for sites with names containing '<NETLIFY_USERNAME>'...
Directory Linked
Admin url:<NETLIFY_USERNAME> Site url: https://<NETLIFY_USERNAME>
Site id saved to /netlify-work/public/.netlify/state.json
You can now run other `netlify` cli commands in this directory